You don”t want to overwrite other crucial keybinds accidentally. If you”ve never customized your key bindings before, be careful about the key you choose to bind to these functions. You can also set an Interact With Mouseover key bind if you so choose.

Luckily, back in patch 3.1, Blizzard added the ability to set an “Interact With Target” keybind, which few players seem to know about.To set this keybind, bring up World of Warcraft“s main Options menu (hitting Escape will bring it up), go to the Key Bindings menu, scroll down to Targeting Functions, and you should be able to find the option easily. Every crucial NPC is completely obscured. It happens in every content patch and in every expansion. Have you been frustrated with all of the dragons and mammoths sitting atop your vendors and quest NPCs? If you”re like every other WoW player in history, the answer to that question is yes. Read more: Temple Of The White Tiger Wow, Temple Of The White Tiger (Quest) In this article: cataclysm-game, cataclysm-guide, cataclysm-news, expansion, expansion-three, interact-with-mouseover, interact-with-target, key-bindings, key-binds, keybindings, keybinds, next-xpac, third-expansion, world-of-warcraft-cataclysm, wow-4.0, wow-cataclysm, wow-expansion, wow-guide, wow-third-expansion